5 Reasons Taekwondo is a Good Post-Lockdown Activity for Your Child

With our studio opening up on the 12th of April after weeks of lockdown measures, we are so excited to welcome you and the kids back to in-person Taekwondo training! The last year has taken a toll on our mental and physical health, and without a doubt, it has been particularly difficult for the kids. In this post, we are listing five benefits of enrolling your child in Taekwondo post-lockdown:

  1. They need a break from the monotony

For the past year (it’s been a whole year!), children have shown how truly resilient they are. Between homeschool routines, cancelled events and the Zoom life, it’s time for them to experience a break in the monotony. Taekwondo will provide children with an outlet for pent-up energy. They will start working slowly towards a goal, finding direction and motivation in the process, and every new milestone that they reach will provide them with a new sense of accomplishment. 

  1. They need space to socialise safely

Our studio is open with strict social distancing measures in place, and after weeks of isolation, children will have the opportunity to learn and play in a group setting. Children will have the chance to meet new people, interact with their instructors, collaborate with their peers and form new friendships.

  1. Taekwondo helps with self-esteem 

While working on building confidence and self-esteem is essential all year round, there hasn't been a more crucial time to focus on our children's mental health. Taekwondo is not only a physical sport; students are taught essential life skills through the Five Tenets of Taekwondo that help them in all areas of their practical lives. Working on their physical health, learning a new skill and focusing on reaching their goals all contribute to increased self-esteem and confidence.

  1. Taekwondo classes provide a consistent physical activity 

As children get older, their schedules get heavier and physical activity can often take a backseat. With weekly Taekwondo classes, students are committed to blocking out time for sports. Taekwondo training results in increased stamina, better concentration and improved muscle strength. 

  1. Taekwondo teaches patience

Children have gotten used to a slower pace of life in the last year. Taekwondo is an extension of that lifestyle as the slow advancement towards a new belt teaches patience. This is a fundamental characteristic to build up in children as they are increasingly encouraged to seek instant gratification. In Taekwondo, children are slowly introduced to complex techniques; they learn the fine details of each move and mastering them takes time.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Taekwondo training at our studio in Wimbledon and to walking you through our process if this will be your first time here. Get in touch for more information today!